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SUMIE     Harumi Tohsei Kobayashi in Tokyo
墨絵 小林東晴ロゴ1

墨絵1 鳳凰 小林東晴

Sumie -- a Japanese art that embodies the spirit of quietness and peace

Simple color tones and spatial balance have always been core values of traditional Sumie. The delicate nuances of the tones and the empty spaces create soothing aesthetics in every painting. Unfortunately, the traditional concepts of Japanese beauty are being overlooked in recent years because of changes in lifestyle. As our daily lives are overwhelmed with innumerable colors and diverse distractions, we tend to forget the value of simplicity.

Sumie is an art that incorporates the simple and bare beauties foundational to Zen teaching. My wish is to share the bliss of the quiet and peace that Sumie can offer.

For those who are interested, our international exhibition “Art Beyond Boundaries” at the National Art Center in Tokyo is open to anyone who would like to visit.

                        小林 東晴
                  Harumi Tohsei Kobayashi


Sumi-e artist / Executive Sumi-e teacher following Tohun Kobayashi/ Born and live in Tokyo, Japan  
Director of International Association of SUMI from 2018
Director of Art Beyond Boundaries Exhibition in The National Art Center, Tokyo , from 2019
Judge of International Art Competition and Exhibition in The National Art Center, Tokyo , from 2019
Owner of Atelier Harumi of Sumi-e art (painting, lecture and workshop) from 2015
Invited artist at NOHO M55 gallery in NY , 2017 and 2018. 
Director of Salon Blanc art association (Japan and French) from 2017
Graduated from Ochanomizu Women University in Tokyo and Kyoto University of Art and Design

Recent Awards & Exhibition

2013   Awarded by The Governor of Yamanashi Prefecture in All Japan Exhibition
2014   The Grand Prize in All Japan International Exhibition

2015 The Artist Semi-grand prize and The Kodansha prize in the 20th Sogo Suibokuga ten, the biggest competition in Japan

The Artist Semi-grand prize and The Kodansha prize in the 20th Sogo Suibokuga ten, the biggest competition in Japan
2016 Solo exhibition in Sinonome-an and Group exhibition in Sanbancyo-Club in Tokyo
2016^2017 Awarded with the title of "recommended Artist" of Asia Creative Art Exhibition in the National art center, Tokyo , with a fabric-work SumieWedding motif “and “ Peonies in white.
2017 Group exhibition as “invited artist” at NOHO M55 gallery in NY and in NICHIBI exhibition in National art center, Tokyo.
The art Encouragement Prize in Salon Blanc International exhibition of contemporary art

Special Exhibition and workshop as a Judge and instructor of Sumi-e at Sato in Zurich, Switzerland
2018 The Semi-Grand Prize of Artist division in Asia Art Exhibition in the National Art Center, Tokyo.
Awarded by The Ward Mayor of Ota in Salon -Blanc International Exhibition of Contemporary art.
Group exhibition as invited artist at NOHO M55 gallery in NY and in Kanagawa Suibokuga exhibition in Yokohama art center, Japan.
2019 Organized The Torch of Asia Exhibition 2019 in the National Art Center, Tokyo as a director and Judge.
Received “Arisumi MITAMURA Award” as The Jury’s Special Award and gave speech “Sumi-e Education for children” in The Torch of Asia Exhibition 2019
Exhibition at The Kecskemét Museum in Kecskemét,
V4 Japan Exhibition supported by Japanese Embassy in Warsaw, Poland 2020 Awarded by The Word Mayer of Shinagawa in Salon Blanc International Exhibition of Contemporary art..

Insta: https://www.instagram.com/harumi.tohsei_suibokuga/
FB:  https://www.facebook.com/harumi.nara.5
Blog: http://sumie-life.jugem.jp/
Email: 131313haru@gmail.com

copyright(c) 2014 Tohsei
