小 林 東 雲
生年月日:1961年4月5日 出身地:東京 主な役職: 国際墨友会 会長 国際公募展「美は国境を越えて」主催 日本水墨画美術協会 副理事長 全日中展 芸術顧問 全国公募日美展 委嘱審査員 読売文化センター主任講師 |
■プロフィール 1961年東京に生まれる。幼少の頃より書家である母親に筆法を学ぶ。青年時知己を得て中国水墨画の技法に学び、北京故宮博物院の諸師と交流し、水墨に感銘を深める。 1987年、パリ「日本の美術展」会場にての障壁画揮毫を期に、中国、インドネシア、アメリカ等で障壁画揮毫を重ね、各国で高い評価を得る。その間内外の公募展で多数受賞、1992年には、天安門広場の中国歴史博物館に於いて、文化部主催による「中日友好20周年記念・小林東雲書画展」が開催された。その後、精神性の高い日本の伝統的水墨画に感じ、社寺障壁画を手掛ける。2014年、国指定重要文化財「大本山善導寺 上段の間」に水墨障壁画の依頼を受け落成。 2012年 文部科学大臣賞・2017年 内閣総理大臣賞受賞 現在、作品は内外の美術館、公共施設に収蔵されている他、NHK「日曜美術館」、テレビ東京「美の巨人たち」などテレビ出演も多い。また、「やさしい水墨画」 (主婦の友社)「水墨画へのいざない」(PHP)ほか多数の著作など、水墨の新しい表現の可能性を探りつつ、多彩な分野で精力的に活動し、水墨画の魅力を紹介、その普及につとめている。 |
■著 書
「水墨で描く」(グラフィック社) 「やさしい水墨画」(池田書店)
「はじめての水墨画」(池田書店) 「水墨画プロのテクニック」(主婦の友社)
「水墨画をたしなむ」(池田書店) 「水墨画を始める人のために」(池田書店)
「筆ペンではじめる水墨画」(講談社) 「プチすいぼく」(廣済堂出版)
「水墨画へのいざない」 (PHP)著
■略 歴 |
1961 |
東京に生まれる。 |
1987: |
パリ「日本の美術展」会場揮毫のため渡仏。 |
1988: |
作品「昇龍」芸術公論賞受賞。 |
1989: |
亜細亜交流美術展招待出品。 |
1990: |
「中日交流美術展」会場揮毫のため訪中。 |
1991: |
中国文化郡・北京吉盛公司より美術鑑定会に招待。 |
1992: |
天安門広場・中国歴史博物館にて個展。 |
1993: |
赤坂・浄土寺障壁画完成。 |
1994: |
ロサンゼルス「HEART ART FESTlVAL」会場揮毫の依頼を受け渡米。 |
1995: |
旭・デユポン フラッシュスパンプロダクツ株式会社設立パーティ会場にて、 巨大水墨画(6m×lOm)「墨遊幻」、および大掛軸「白鷹」「白孔雀」(5m×2m)を展示。 |
1996: |
臨済宗妙心寺派「法光」表紙担当開始。 |
1997: |
テレビTX「クイズ赤恥じ青恥じ」出演大水墨画揮毫。」 |
1998: |
テレビCX「あるある大辞典」 |
1999: |
東京アメリカンクラブギャラリー展及び水墨障壁画実演。 |
2000: |
オーストラリア大使館イベントにて、大水墨画障壁画披露。 |
Tohun Kobayashi
Tohun Kobayashi was born in
Born in
"Japanese Fine Arts Exhibition" was held in
Went to
Appointed managing-director of the All Japan Art Exhibition to serve as judge of ink paintings and seal engravings.
Gave one-man exhibition at the
Completed a wall painting at
Painted an ink drawing to adorn the Panasonic internet home page.
Production of a CD Jacket cover "Ni-ten-ichi-ryu" for British rock band P H O T E K, released by Virgin Records.
He exhibited 5×9 meter suiboku-ga work on a folding screen, "Sumi-yuu-gen",
at the reception party in honor of the chairman of Merryl Lynch. He gave
a demonstration of suiboku-ga on a folding screen at the same reception.
:A 5×8 mater suiboku-ga was demonstrated at the ''Riddiem & Phuture"
music event, held as part of Festival UK '98.
Gave one-man exhibition at the Tokyo American Club.
He exhibited a 5×8 meter suiboku-ga work on a folding screen, "Four seasons of
Japan'', at the event
in Embassy of Australia. He exhibited a suiboku-ga work, "dream
*At the event in Egyptian embassy : Demonstration of Semi-e paintings on partitions.
*At the party of LANCOME : Demonstration of Sumi-e painting on a
folding screen.
* At the reception party of VOLVO : Demonstration of
Sumi-e painting on a big fan.
*In Morocco palace: A Sumi-e work was
collected by Morocco palace.
*At Descartes high school in Morocco : Gave
lectures of Sumi-e painting.
*At the reception party of GM :Demonstration of Sumi-e painting on a huge folding screen
*At the Rotary International world
congress in Osaka:Demonstration of Sumi-e painting on a
huge screen.
*At the event of The Gibraltar Life
Insurance Co., Ltd.: Demonstration of Sumi-e painting on a huge screen
*In the cruising all round Japan by Mitsui
O.S.K. Passenger Line Ltd: Became the
lecturer of Sumi-e painting .
*At Kodansha Famous Schools: Became the special
lecturer of Sumi-e painting .
*At the event of TOYOTA : Demonstration of
Sumi-e painting
*At the event of establishing COCA-COLA
WEST COMPANY, LIMITED : Demonstration of Sumi-e painting
*At the motor show in Paris: Demonstration
of Sumi-e painting
*At the event of Pfizer Pharmaceuticals : Demonstration of Sumi-e painting
*At the Representative Conference of TOYOTA
: Performance of Sumi-e painting
*At the dinner party of Asia Business
Council: Demonstration of Sumi-e painting
(His performance work was auctioned for $140,000 in the auction at
this dinner party and this successful bid price was donated to the recovery
support from the disaster caused by a massive cyclone in Vietnam.)
*At the world conference and dinner of
HINO: Demonstration of Sumi-e painting
*At the event of Capital service group : Demonstration of Sumi-e painting
*At the FIFA club World Cup Japan Official
Banquet: Demonstration of Sumi-e painting
*At the commemorative ceremony in honor of
his Royal Highness Prince Somrap in Thailand: Demonstration
of Sumi-e painting.
*At the 30th anniversary party of Nike
Japan: Demonstration of Sumi-e painting.
*At the Japan premiere event of Movie
"Woman of a dragon tattoo": Opening demonstration of Sumi-e painting
*FM Yokohama : Appered in a program on
radio” FM Yokohama”
*Received the award of The Minister of
Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology
*At MUITISHI city painting art museum in
Moscow: Gave a Sumi-e painting exhibition.
*At MUITISHI city painting art museum: The Sumi-e work "Peony " was
collected and stored.
*At "The Sesshu Summit” in Hofuku temple, Soja-city ": Performance of
Sumi-e painting on big partitions
*At the event of American Family Life
Assurance Company of Columbus : Demonstration of Sumi-e
*At the national conference of Idemitsu
Kosan Co, Ltd: Demonstration of Sumi-e painting
*At the VIP room in Zendouji temple, which
was designated as a national important cultural asset: Completed
Sumi-e paintings on partitions
*At Taipei international calligraphy exhibition:
Displayed a work at the request of the
*In Russia (Moscow, Muitishi, Ekaterinburugu
and Cheriabinsuku ): Gave demonstrations , lectures and master classes at the
request of Japan Foundation.
*At the party in honor of the 60th
anniversary of ASAHI logistics Corporation : Performance of Sumi-e painting
*At the event of Sekisui Chemical Co., Ltd. event:. Performance
of Sumi-e painting
*Writing “ How to paint fashionably Sumi-e
painting “ published by Kodansha Co. Ltd
*Writing“ The beginner’s book of Sumi-e
painting by "brush-pencil" published by Jikei publishing Co. Ltd
*Managed sumi & color illustrations and
provided Sumi-e illustrations
“Natural food medicine keeps the doctor
away”published by TAKARAJIMASHA,Inc.
At MANGGHA Museum of Japanese Art and
Technology in Poland: Performance,
lecture and workshops at the museum festival.
*Founder of International SUMI Enthusiasms
Association (ISFA)
* Vice President of Japan Suibokuga Art
*Judge of “NICHIBI exhibition”
*Organizer of The Torch of Asia Exhibition
in The National Art Center, Tokyo
*Awarded with “King of Subokuga” in TV
program “TV Champion KIWAMI”.
Artist's Commentary:
"Suiboku-ga", a form of etching,
has long been loved by the Japanese people. The simplicity of suiboku-ga is
understated, yet inherently impressive. I believe that "sumi", or
black ink, has the power to express human feelings and manifest the changing
beauty of the four seasons. The starkness of the form inspires invisible colors
in the mind.
I hope you enjoy this work.